Business Formation, Contracts, & Business Law
Thinking of forming a business that shields your personal assets from lawsuits? Or do you have an existing business and want the benefit of liability protection? Passamani & LeTang, PLLC can help you form your business and set you up to pay the least amount in taxes. We do more than just form your business; we will inform you on all business law matters, including contract reviews, employee termination matters, partner disputes, and business dissolution.
We can help with the following business law services:
- Forming your LLC or Corporation to shield your personal assets from liability.
- Determining how your company should be taxed.
- Contract formation and review.
- Contract disputes.
- Unemployment Insurance claims.
- Employee termination, including Montana’s Wrongful Discharge from Employment Act.
- Succession and estate planning for business owners.
- Partner disputes.
- Business dissolution.